Monday, March 10, 2014

Wie geht es euch?

Hello. To my faithful 0 readers... I haven't had literally no time to write here at all since long ago, but I have many things I would like to remember. First off, I'm a Buddhist convert, or try to be. That has given me a whole new perspective about my life and question my ways.

Lately I've been noticing how repetitive and monotone my life actually is. I wake up, go downstairs and take a shower, eat breakfast, go to school, 8 hours in which I thankfully have no time to think in stuff like this, I go home, do homework, draw a bit if I can, and go to bed... With the only motivation that tomorrow will be exactly the same.

Thinking like a Buddhist, that is pretty much reincarnation here on Earth, which is an endless cycle of which you can never free yourself from unless you realize that you're in it, and decide to do something about it. Well, I've realized I'm in a painful cycle which leads to (at least for now it seems) apparently nowhere, but I don't know what the fuck to do.

I don't know Buddhist views on envy, but right now my main weakness is my lack of meaningful relationships. To me, a meaningful relationship is when you have a person to which you can tell anything to (reciprocal of course) and chit chat all day long and go places together. I have one at school and like 3-4 outside. That said, I have set my mind into talking to more people... But apparently school has traumatized me enough for me not to know how to speak with someone without bringing school up.