Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's coming, kids.

Hey, so with this, I'm officially back into blogging. I started this blog in December 2012, and gained a total of 183 pageviews for the month, 153 in January (because I quit blogging halfway around the month) and... 3 in February. So I would like to excuse myself in the abrupt pause from blogging by saying a pedestrian excuse... Eh, school kept me occupied.

Nonetheless here I am, ready to type.

So yes, as I stated on my Christmas post, I am 14 years old, even though you could classify me as a post-pre-pubescent, let's just leave it a wider range, I am a teenager. And as a teenager, I have my great days, my awful days, and emotional swings.

A few days ago I noticed something. A couple of friends and I were talking about how kids hit their growth spurts randomly, and how a tiny shot guy that made you feel a skyscraper ended up being two feet taller than you. So yes, we mocked the seventh graders because they're tiny, but then we noticed they were exactly as tall as we were in seventh grade.

Why am I saying that? Well, to me, you grew around 4 inches and you didn't even notice. I think that's exactly what happens to your maturity. I didn't notice when my voice cracked, I was anxious for that to happen, but then I checked and my voice is pretty damn deep. That doesn't go only to physical changes, but also to mental changes, which is what I want to talk about.

Let's admit it, you didn't think the same when you were 13 than when you were 14. I believed I was gonna marry a pretty girl and be happy for the rest of my life when I was 12, but when I was 14, we didn't even talk anymore. I used to think toilet humor was hilarious, but it all seems disgusting now. You see what I mean? I hear teens complaining about how badly they want to grow up, but it all makes sense now. QUIT THINKING ABOUT IT.